What does your digital information mean to you? How worthy is it to protect, secure and ensure that despite of anything you’ll have it? Let us embark on a journey, of a mental kind of course. If you are an avid reader you know this is my preferred method.
Imagine we are situated in the lush Nile valley somewhere around 1200 BCE. The gods Amon-Ra and Horus bring meaning and purpose to our lives.When our propitiations are completed in this life, Anubis will foster and guide us in the next.. The Ancient Egyptian book of the dead, as it is commonly called, is a loose collection of funerary text and spells. It was thought to aid a souls journey through the underworld, or Tartarus as called by the Greeks. This text was created over the millennia with priest adding to it for over 1000 years. That is some impressive data preservation if you ask me. Centuries of searing heat, brutal floods, pugnacious wars, and withering by our greatest enemy TIME didn’t even manage to destroy all of these texts. How did our ancient brethren manage to keep this data through the eons and tenderly gift it to us? The creation of stone and papyrus copies have traveled down through the ages. Allowing the physical medium to be a shadow of it former self, but the underlying precious data to be “backed-up”, protected, and recoverable.

Will your data stand the test of time?
A copy or duplicate version, especially of a file, program, or entire computer system, retained for use in the event that the original is in some way rendered unusable.
“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.
We have acquired the same bow and arrow as our ancient ancestors. But our aim has shifted to ensure our digital data makes it through disasters and time, as opposed to spells we want to travel with us in the after-life. There are numerous ways to voucher safe our data. Whether it be personal or business related, our most daunting task is to make it available and accessible when we need it most. Commonly, data worthy backing up would be of this sort:
- Important pictures
- Tax and financial records
- Data related to clients
- Digital copies of birth certificates, licenses, and social security cards
- Sensitive internal business data
Here are a few Proactive options that most everyone can use to backup their data:
“If you have a fire-proof box or safe but not another proactive method to back up your data, you need to re-evaluate your disaster and recovery plans.
— L&N Technologies
Small, affordable and easy to use. These options are great but require special attention and an equally secure place to store them in the event a backup is needed. This is still a note-worthy addition to any on-site disaster recovery plan

Synchronization over your internal network is a tried and tested way to perform data backups. Home users and small to medium-size businesses can benefit from the robustness and the cost effectiveness of network storage. While not having an automated, scheduled way to perform backups. NAS require focused attention to ensure the back ups were performed. It can be an encumbering task to organize and properly configured the NAS for your home or organization as well, but it is a worthwhile investment for on-site disaster recovery.
ioSafe Solo Pro is the a leader in disaster recovery solutions. These are augmented (Network Attached Storage) NAS, that are water-proof, fire-proof, and theft-proof. They come in multi-terabyte configurations to fit your needs, and use RAID to prevent disk drive failures. We have installed these for dozens of clients because of their affordability and scalability. Check out this video.
Video curiosity of Matt Granger
Cloud based companies are springing forth each day. They all operate within the same vein, with the price being the most volatile variable. The storage of your data off-site means even if your office should ever become a mushroom cloud, your data won’t be in it. Most providers offer encryption of the data channels as well to in ensure your information isn’t susceptible to being hacked. The charge is usually per gigabyte with an additional monthly surcharge.
As always, if you have any questions or words of wisdom place them below for all of our edification.